Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our "Picture" Dictionary

We have done all the alphabet crafts we can possibly do over the past two years. Although Hollis still enjoys a good paint and glue project, we all need a break from the crafty activities for a bit. So, we are making a picture dictionary using photo props to illustrate each letter of the alphabet. I am hoping to get the complete alphabet done soon but I may have to do it week by week.

 I found these little books in the Dollar Spot section at Target. They came in packs of 3. Printed and glued out the cute cover for each book.
Inside the book, they will put a sticker and their picture for the letter. This week they took two pictures because I couldn't decide between the apple and alligator, we did BOTH. Cute, cute.
A is for apple. A is for alligator.

Stay tuned for more letter props. Next week will be a giant bow!


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