Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our First Week- 2014-2015

Here is a little sample of some of the activities we did for our first week! We got most of the "plans" done but some activities may need to roll over into next week.
We talked about the color blue this week. Hollis is trying to recognize it and Marin is trying to learn the color word. But they painted the objects blue on their paper. So. Very. Simple. Yet it captivated their attention for a good half hour.
Hollis LOVES to paint! And to wear her headband on her forehead. :o)
We played Pete's Shoe Showdown from my Colors unit. It was hit! "It's all good!"
They colored in their shoes a different color.
Then covered the shoe with a button when the color was called.
This week Hollis worked on sorting colors. Marin sorted by color and shape then made patterns. Patterns is a new concept for her but she got it quickly.

We went on a color hunt with our magnifying glasses. Going on a color hunt and we going to find! 


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