Thursday, June 13, 2013

Letters Uu, Vv, and Ww

So, we are barely and I mean BARELY making it through the alphabet. Honestly, we may do a cute little xylophone craft for Xx but then forget Yy and Zz. Who uses those letters anyways? :o) But here is Uu, Vv, and Ww.... 
Letter Uu...umbrella!
She cut the cupcake holders in half and glued them on her paper.
She loves the glueing part. 

We added the handles and then she painted raindrops with one of her lego blocks.

For letter Vv, she made a vase with "powers" flowers. The girl loves flowers! 

And for the letter Ww, we have been "playing in the wader"! Seriously, it's hot here and we are LOVING going to the pool! We got to go to Schilterbahn (sp?) Water Park this week and the girls had their first swim lesson today. Letter Ww is probably their favorite letter. :o)

And other fun stuff Marin is really enjoying these days are.....

Her car parking lot.
I made this a long time ago but she is just now showing interest in it.
She will park the cars by color and then sometimes I will call out a color and she parks the car in that spot.
Matching the colors is her favorite though. 

And number block cards.
This one she loves way more than I thought she would. Hollis even "plays" too.
She picks a number card and then stacks that number of blocks.