Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nursery Rhymes: Little Miss Muffet

The next rhyme we did was Little Miss Muffet! This is probably Marin's favorite because when we act it out, she sits on my knees (tuffet) eating her curds and whey. When the spider frightens her away, I throw her on the couch. She thinks its hilarious and it may be an arm workout for me. 

Little Miss Muffet

Hollis LOVES LOVES LOVES markers. Some how they end up all over her body (mostly her mouth)  but she gets so excited when we pull them out. Here she needed a marker for each hand...busy worker coloring her rhyme book. 

Marin has been wanting to color the entire picture these days. 

Then we painted an egg carton spider. We had multi colored spiders. :o)

Looking so big....

Our projects....a little book and spider. 


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