Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nursery Rhymes: Hickory Dickory Dock

I have seen some cute nursery rhyme stuff on Pinterest. So we decided to do some projects with our favorite rhymes. 

First was Hickory Dickory Dock...

We used an old yogurt box to make a clock. Glue is always a favorite. 

Then we talked about the numbers on a clock and put number stickers on their own clocks.

Hollis had her stickers all over her clock until she saw Marin's. And in true little sister fashion, she peeled each of stickers off and put them on the circle just like Marin's. She has to be just like big sister.

Here are their finished clocks! I made the mice out of felt and hot glue. Since it was hot, I just made them separately. But they will "act out" the rhyme making the mouse move up and down the clock as we say it. It's pretty cute.


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