Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Letters Qq, Rr, Ss, and Tt....

So, we are moved in but still in crazy land as we unpack and get settled. Plus it's hotter than he-double hockey stick and we are busy playing in the water outside. :o) So we are flying through the end of the alphabet so we can do some summer stuff! 
Letter Qq- QUEEN
She had to wear her Minnie sunglasses to make her shape queen. 

Adding the sequins....

We did a little shape painting/quilt thing too but I didn't take pictures. Oops. So...we moved on to letter Rr....
ROCK Monsters! She really had fun with this one. 

She painted them fun colors then...

added a lot of eyes! 
 She painted a rainbow as well but I (again) didn't have my camera around. And then we skipped Ss and went straight to Tt because...

I left my Pinterest page up on the computer and she loved the button tree.  So....we made it. :o)
We used pom poms instead of buttons because I can't find our buttons. Either way, she had fun. And
she already loves Pinterest. :o) 

 Hollis had her own little pom pom activity. She put pom poms in the ice cube tray. She is getting so big. If Marin gets a "project", Hollis sits up in her chair and waits for her project as well. So precious.

Then we went back to the letter Ss and made a sun out of tissue paper, paint and her handprint.

 And, of course, Hollis had her sun project. I so wish I had a front view of her coloring with her marker. She is HILARIOUS. Her concentration look is pretty darn cute.
She still wants to eat the marker most of the time. 

Our busy girls.


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