Saturday, November 24, 2012

Letter Ii

Letter Ii was a bit of a rushed week. We didn't do a whole lot because we just had a lot going on. But here is the little that we did for Ii....
I stamping.

The stamp is actually a foam 'I' sticker on a Gatorade lid.
She loved it. 

Indian stickers on the 'I'.
It was right before Thanksgiving so it worked. 

Ice cream color sort.
She actually did really well with this and of course, she loved the glue. 
She also put on her sunglasses and lei and did some 'island' hopping (hopped from pillow to pillow on the floor.) 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hh Week

For Letter Hh we....
Took a little "field trip" to Home Depot where she got to do a little project.

A Turkey Napkin Holder!

Then she played with her new "hardware" sensory bin.

She hammered pegs into her board.

She practiced some fine motor skills with nuts and bolts. 

And then some fun with PVC pipes.....

Then we played hospital!

She loves cut and glue projects so we glued hippos on an H.

Another cut and glue.....
I found a printout of different kinds of hats.
We cut out faces from magazines and then glued the hats on their heads. 
She glued hearts onto a big H.

Our handprint Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree is filling up with letters. 

The Ipad.
She loves this gadget.
I've found some good math games that she enjoys.
Right now, Candy Count is her favorite.
She sorts the jelly beans by color in the jars, then she counts them, puts them in numerical order, and some less/more activites. She can do the sorting and counting independently but needs help for all the other stuff. But it is a cute game and its free. :o) 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Letter Gg

So far for the letter Gg we have done.....

A little GEOMETRY.
M is really into glue these days so we glued pictures to their matching shapes. 

Our completed Geometry project!

This was really supposed to be ghost stamping but it ended up being Halloween stamping. :o) 

Then my favorite Gg activity so far....playing GROCERY STORE. We had so much fun. I loved watching her play pretend. I've got to do more of this stuff with her!
Bagging my milk...

Scanning my watermelon and eggs.

Our little grocery store....

More glueing for the girl.
She glued pictures that start with Gg on the big G.
I found some little ghost "flashcards" with pictures of g words. The real idea of the game is to sort them in groups of soft g and hard g. But we just used them for vocabulary and language. She likes to point so we laid out the pictures and she would point to them as I said them.

We are going to do some Good Night, Gorilla stuff and then we will be moving on to the letter Hh!