Friday, April 12, 2013

Letters Oo and Pp

  So we are speeding things up a bit since we are moving and packing....BUT Marin still LOVES to have a little project. And since we are in crazy mode, it is easier to plan one or two little activities with each letter instead of a full weeks worth. Plus most of our stuff is packed. So we are going to do a couple of letters a week until we move. Here is Oo and Pp.....
Do-A-Dot with an Octopus!

Creating an ocean collage with animal sponges, tissue paper, and stickers. 

Hollis "playing" Marin's math game on the Ipad. She cracks me up on this thing. 

Making a penguin for the letter Pp. 

Playing with the Pp on the Letter Factory toy. 

Marin's penguin. :o) 

Potato Printing

Hollis had so much fun doing this little project!

Marin did pink potato prints because we cut them out and turned them into pigs. ;o)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Letter Nn

We have a whole lot of crazy going on up here but Marin has pulled out paper and glue every day basically begging for a project. So we have squeezed in some Nn activities. 
Do-A-Dot N

Playing with play-doh. She has recently become a fan of this stuff.
(Probably because most of her other toys are packed.)
But we did make noodles and rolled out a letter N...and cookies and cakes and ice cream. :o)

Nn is for NAME!
She glued her name on a big banner. 

We made some salt dough egg ornaments for Easter and we through in some shapes as well for beads.
Then she painted and threaded them for a necklace. 

I used the salt dough recipe from this blog .
Nn is for NEST!
We made cookie nests. Marin loved putting the eggs in the "nests".

Noodles on a N!
She loved this one too.